(The newsletter of Akkamma's household Vol.June July 2000)
Hello everybody,
Akash Congratulates:
Priya and Santosh on getting first class in their respective B.E., 7th semester exams.
Jamuna on getting a four-year contract job close to Oxford where Madhusudan will be on his research assignment. Also Madhusudan and Jamuna on acquiring a Honda Accord car.
Jagan for acquiring a Pentium 3, computer with Internet connection; jagannatharao@vsnl.com
Uma M.B.Prakash, and Lavanya for joining the emailers club. Uma's email ID is, mbpu@excite.com and Lavanya's, lavu_mohan@yahoo.com
(I am sorry, if I have missed reporting some more achievements for want of adequate feed back)
Family News in brief:
The Sharmaji/Vani had invited friends for a grand lunch in their new house. The house is now complete and they are dilly dallying weather to live in it or to rent it out.
Pommi underwent the planned operation at the Brindavan Nursing home on 29th June. She has recovered well. Roopa who was at Bangalore to look after her mother returned to Davanagere on 19th July.
Roopa's son Sachin learnt to walk and run during this period and was the star attraction at the BT Road house.
Anandarao has entered a Sachin's photo he took in a contest and is on a vigorous campaign to win.
Shanta vainy underwent a successful cataract operation on 1st July. Kidasamanna and vainy will be at Bangalore till after the Akkama's ceremony on 19th August.
Jagadish left Bangalore on 26th early morning to U.K. on his way to States for his Masters degree in "City and Regional planning" at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The campus is at New Brunswick, New Jersey. Jagadish will be spending about ten days in U.K. with Jamuna and Madhusudan. All most all members of the mbfamily residing in Bangalore and the families of Vittal and Viji, participated in the grand farewell lunch for Jagadish, organised at 98 B.T. on 23rd July
Jamuna has now secured a four-year contract job at Aylesbury, which is a half an hour drive from Oxford. They are planning to move to Aylesbury in the first week of August.
Alaka is unlucky in this respect. Gurudutt will be moving over to Kansas City to take his new assignment there shortly. Alaka however has secured the services of a full time Punjabi help, who has adjusted well to the task.
Another news that can make us proud is, That a web site, Coolhindustan.com, designed by, Suhas, the 14 year old Son of Gopinath and Kala and grand son of Bhavaji's brother M.S. Raghavendra Rao, has been appreciated by an
American Company, and they have sponsored his visit to States along with his parents to participate in a seminar there. They have also offered to foot the bill for his further study in the U.S.We have no way of knowing weather this news letter is serving any purpose at all as we hardly get any feed back. Harish had some interesting
suggestions in this regard. I have sent him and a few others the password for our web page so that more people can participate in making it better and more useful. The password will be made available to any body in the family who is interested in doing the update work.Raghu