Vol 0399
Sorry for the long period of inactivity. The Akash has not come out since December. I am more sorry that no body has missed it. The fact that no body has missed it is bit of a damper, when one is trying to re activate after a long period of inertia.
Now that our home page has come into existence, there is no need to be listing the names of persons having their anniversary in the current month in this newsletter. Hence this practice is discontinued from this issue.
The important events that have happened since the last issue are as follows:
A baby boy to Roopashri and Shashikanth on Saturday the 21st March. At Bangalore. The Namakarana and Cradle ceremonies are scheduled for 4th April. Earlier the Balethodisuva and Arathi functions for Roopashri were held with usual pomp and gaiety.
Prakash has a change of job. He is now the Home secretary
Pranesh also has a change. He is now the CMD of the infrastructure Development Corporation of Tamilnadu
Bhimesh,Kusuma and Neha were in India on vocation during January/Feb 99. During their stay in India the Namakarana Annamahoortha and ear pearcing ceremonies for Neha were performed in a grand scale.
Alaka and Gurudath were in India a little earlier to Bhimeshs on a very short Visit. Babu (Jayanth Pranesh) was also in India during January. He narrowly missed being here during Pongal. He also paid a visit to Motorola Bangalore as an expert from the Principals. Our congratulations to him on this achievement.
31st annual death ceremony of Bhavoji was performed with the usual devotion on 27th.March. Vijayendra and Leelamma were the two children who could not make it, for obvious reasons. As a part of this function a Quiz program for the grand and great grand children of Bhavaji present on the occasion, sponsored by Vijayendra was conducted and prizes and
certificates were given to all the participants. The details of the quiz can be seen in the attached file. The photographs referred in the quiz will be included in the web page shortly.Our congratulations to Vani Sharma on passing the departmental examination of the Income tax department, which opens the avenue to become a Gazzetted Officer.