(The newsletter of Akkamma's household Vol 1098)
Hallo everybody. I am sorry this newsletter is delayed again. Main reason for the delay is that I was hoping to make it a part of our family ' Web Page', as is intended to be. There is some unforeseen delay in the launching of that event. The creators of the ' Web Page' Vidya and Rajaram Sharma, want the page to look very professional. A desire that is quite natural considering the amount of effort they have already put into project. The progress is hampered on account of the fact they shifted their residence, and accordingly busy making the new place in to their new home. The launching should take place any time now. Be on the look out. In the mean time Neha has taken a march ahead and has her own Page on the net. Congratulation to her and her mother for this nice work. We now know an additional source to get help for updating and beautifying our web page. There is yet another good news. Ranganath now has an internet connection at his house. We soon expect Ambika, Priya and Mala to be more actively contributing to the family news network on the net.
Our best wishes to the following who already had, are having their anniversaries in the month of October November and December.
Date |
Name |
Event |
05/10/35 |
Raghunath M.B |
Birth day |
05/10/68 |
Guru Prasad M.R |
Birth day |
06/10/97 |
Roopashri |
Wed day |
07/10/95 |
Pavana Rama |
Birth day |
09/10/37 |
Vijayendra Rao M.B |
Birth day |
09/10/94 |
Sanjay Rao M.S |
Wed day |
10/10/74 |
Roopashri |
Birth day |
11/10/71 |
Madhu |
Birth day |
11/10/84 |
Shubha |
Birth day |
11/10/44 |
Prakash M.B |
Birth day |
16/10/83 |
Ragini |
Wed day |
18/10/73 |
Narasimha Rao S |
Wed day |
19/10/70 |
Bheemesh M.V |
Birth day |
25/10/73 |
Harish M.V |
Birth day |
26/10/95 |
Maitri |
Wed day |
30/10/83 |
Jagannatha Rao S |
Wed day |
17/11/77 |
Suresh M.B |
Wed day |
19/11/55 |
Jagannatha Rao S |
Birth day |
19/11/63 |
Vidya M.S |
Birth day |
22/11/48 |
Narasimha Rao S |
Birth day |
03/12/83 |
Pavan |
Birth day |
09/12/90 |
Maithily |
Birth day |
10/12/54 |
Gururaja Rao C.S |
Birth day |
12/12/84 |
Bharathi |
Wed day |
15/12/89 |
Poornima |
Birth day |
20/12/57 |
Uma Devi |
Birth day |
22/12/66 |
Gurudath Kulakarni |
Birth day |
25/12/94 |
Bheemesh M.V |
Wed day |
28/12/66 |
Suparna M.S |
Birth day |
31/12/93 |
Vidya M.S |
Wed day |
31/12/56 |
Jayanth(Bharathi) |
Birth day |
Home coming :
Following are expected back in India on vocation in December.
Jayanth (Babu), Alaka and Gurudath, and Jamuna's mother in law. We wish them all a happy time back home.
Other events:
Madhu (Maitri's husband) is now at Newyork on a four months vacation.
Ramesh was discharged from hospital on 16th. And is now attending office since 17th November.
Vidya, Rajaram have shifted residence. Their new address is :
166 Anupam Appartments, Saket, N.D. 110017
Our Congratulations to:
Jamuna on completing meritoriously Flab exam for the foreign medical graduates.
Jagadish on his completing meritoriously Msc. In Development studies.
Neha for being the first in the family to have ones own home page in the net.
With best wishes
Bangalore 23-11-98