Extracts from Ravivars of July 04
Addendum to
The baby
coloumn of the Ravivar 040704 was incomplete with out pictures as I had some
technical problem for inserting the pictures I wanted to be put there. The
revised version of that column is here.
Baby news: Baby News: Judge for yourself from
this photo, who is prouder, Alaka or Sanjana?. This is what Alaka tells about
Sanjana and Amrutha. “Sanjana
and Amrita are doing well. Sanjana is a great big sister. She loves playing
with Amrita and helps me take care of her. She loves to read, listen to
stories. She is making good progress in swimming.
Amrita is growing fast. She is very friendly & has a big smile for
everyone. She cooes constantly & trying very hard to roll over. She is
almost there. She can propel herself forward & backwards & one time she
ended up under the table. Together, they keep me busy every minute of the day.
And on 6th July’s mail… “Amrita mastered the art of rolling over”
Guru/Sharatha’s baby is very fair, tall with long limbs and
fingers. Baby was at the Brindavan Nursing home Bangalore, on Sunday the 4th
July 2004. Baby weighed 1.95 KG at birth. It is too early to say whom she
This is what Viji tata says about Nikita. “Nikita is fine
and 'talks' with Bhimesh and fights with me, in her own way. Neha has gone to
Newark with Harish to meet Gauri.”
Baby news: Baby News: Judge for yourself from
this photo, who is prouder, Alaka or Sanjana?. This is what Alaka tells about
Sanjana and Amrutha. “Sanjana
and Amrita are doing well. Sanjana is a great big sister. She loves playing
with Amrita and helps me take care of her. She loves to read, listen to
stories. She is making good progress in swimming.
Amrita is growing fast. She is very friendly & has a big smile for everyone.
She cooes constantly & trying very hard to roll over. She is almost there.
She can propel herself forward & backwards & one time she ended up
under the table. Together, they keep me busy every minute of the day. And on 6th
July’s mail… “Amrita mastered the art of rolling over”
Guru/Sharatha’s baby is very fair, tall with long limbs and
fingers. Baby was at the Brindavan Nursing home Bangalore, on Sunday the 4th
July 2004. Baby weighed 1.95 KG at birth. It is too early to say whom she
This is what Viji tata says about Nikita. “Nikita is fine
and 'talks' with Bhimesh and fights with me, in her own way. Neha has gone to
Newark with Harish to meet Gauri.”
Ravivar 11th july 04
regular desk of the editor is not yet fully restored. Please bear with the
deficiencies in the presentation.
Local news: Sharatha and the
baby are fine. Tomorrow is the ninth day for the baby and Pommi ajji is making
arrangements for the “Gedda veelya”, a small function to offer a few minor
things to the “Muthaide”s with a sense of relief or victory of having managed
the ordeals of pregnancy and child birth, successfully. They will be discharged
from the nursing home on 14th morning and the “Punyaha Vachana” and
the cradle ceremony for the baby are scheduled for that day at Raghu’s place.
As the baby is too delicate yet the “Namakarana will be at a later date. So
there is no urgency for selecting the name. Suggestions for a suitable name are
helping Sphurthy and Ravindra is setting up their house, Lannu and Latha have
returned to Chennai.
have returned back to Bangalore from Delhi.
News from abroad: Ragesh had a
chance of watching the Bull fighting rituals in Spain. He has promised to write
about it for Ravivar. He has been asked to report at Losangeles, cutting short
his European assignments. His next quarter assignment has also been announced.
It will be in Chicago. Jagadish Prakash will be in Bangalore from 6th
to 26th September
Baby News: One
sucks the right finger and the other baby the left finger. One print is of much
better quality than the other. What
other differences can you spot in these two pictures?….Pranesh
Ravivar 25th
A few
issues back there was a brief reference to the “Adhika Masa”, in the Ravivar.
Now the “adhika Sharavana masa”, is running (from 18th July to 15th
August). Any month on which the “sankaramana” or the first day of the solar
month is absent is considered as an extra month. For vaishnavas this month is
very auspicious for doing “Dhaan/ Dharma”. The real “Shravana Masa” and the
Series of feasts (Habba salu), is thus post phoned by a month. Ravivar will try
to bring out with the help of Pommi, a brief description of, how each feast is
celebrated at BT Road house.
Local news: Sharatha
and the baby are doing fine. They will be leaving for Trichy to Sharatha’s
sister’s house on the first of next month for the continuation of the
“Baananthana” there.
and best wishes for bright academic career for Madhav (Jayanth), son of
Chandramohan/Vatsala, for having secured a seat in Chemical engineering in REC
News from abroad:
August September is heading to be in an eventful month with Madhusudhan,
Raghesh, Jamuna, Shruthi and Jagadish and possibly Gurudutt, Alaka, Sanjana and
Amritha also coming to India on visit
Baby News: Maitris, Venkateshs,Vani, Jagadish and of
course Viji and Harishs will be joining Bhimeshs to celebrate Neha’s birthday
on 31st.
is the photo of the five day old baby of Guru and Sharatha, taken and
circulated earlier by Ambika, reproduced here for the record of Ravivar