Bhavaji`s grand father Committee Lakshmana Rao with wife Radha Bai and sons Venkoba Rao(standing)
Ramachandra Rao(sitting) and baavaji`s father Subba Rao(on lap)
1935,Photo. Bavaji with akkamma with Vittal in lap, Kitsamy(Subba Rao) standing,Indu in chair,
bavaji`s brother Raghavendra Rao with wife Radha bai. The girl on the lap of bavaji`s mother Sethu bai is
Raghavendra Rao`s daughter Kumudu.
Akkamma`s parents, Subba Rao and Rama bai with children, Sheshagiri Rao(Gopal mama),Ramachandra Rao(standing with mother),Akkamma and grand children Kitswamy and Leelu
Akkamma`s mother before her marriage