(The newsletter of Akkamma's household Vol July 99)
Hello everybody,
Chi Sou Lavanya's wedding on 5-7-99 at Chennai, was a grand event. The couple look also like made to each other. The marriage was well attended. Even Krishna swamy anna had come all the way from Delhi. Only Vijayendra's line was not represented. The side attraction of the marriage was the performance Given by Sanjeev (Jagan's second son) on his skill as a Ventriloquist(He made a doll talk meaning fully) along with his friend and his Guru. The couple is now on their honeymoon at Udaipur. Akash wishes the young couple all the best in life.
Bharathi and family are having a busy time in their holiday in India. First Madhusudan and now Jamuna have left back to U.K. after their busy schedule.
Jamuna will soon be joining her first job at Birmingham. Bindu has been transferred back to Bangalore from Delhi. Gurudutt has secured a fellowship to pursue studies in cardiology from university of Kansas city. Akash wishes them the best in their carriers.
Our home page has been updated further and all the addresses have been brought up to my latest knowledge. Now the family section has also been given some shape though not the best possible one. The recipe section also has been inaugurated. In my attempt to revise the home page I am getting a clearer idea of the effort that has gone in to originally create it. The creators had modestly not mentioned their name in the cover page. I have tried to do some justice now. You will be soon getting some more photos including that of Lavanya's marriage and Jamuna/Madhu's house soon. So please be on the lookout.
Our hope page URL is
https://members.tripod.com/~mbfamily. Please send your comments for improvements at your earliest.With best wishes,