(The newsletter of Akkamma's household Vol June 99)
Hello everybody,
Our home page has been updated to include some photos in the "Photo Gallery" section. The selection of the photos is just random based on the readily available scanned photos. In the next update we plan to include some rare photographs in the family archive. We will also try to cover photos of as many members as possible. Our hope page URL is
https://members.tripod.com/~mbfamily. Please send your comments for improvements at your earliest.The gruhapravesh function of Madhu /Jamuna's house on 23rd june was a grand affair. All the usual homas and Satyanarayana pooja was performed on the occasion followed by a grand lunch. The function was well attended. The house is also the best looking amongst that of the other family members in Bangalore. Sorry I have not been able to put the photograph yet.
Our congratulations to Venkatesh. He has created some sort of record by scoring 2360 out of 2400 marks in his GRE.
With best wishes,